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How to Store a Sewing Machine?

Sewing machines are delicate, so they must be handled with care both when in use and when being stored. Here’s how to store a sewing machine properly.

Cleaning and oiling a sewing machine first, then covering it correctly, and storing it in a dry area with a reasonable temperature is the best suggestion.

When you store your sewing machine properly, it will last longer and perform better. The next article explains how to properly store your sewing machine to be ready for your next job.

1. Clean your machine before storage

Before storing your sewing machine, it’s a good idea to clean it. You should first unplug the machine. It’s never a good idea to clean your sewing machine while it’s still turned on. This holds true for every other technological gadget as well. For your own protection, you should disconnect the machine first.

Remove the throat plate after the machine is disconnected. The neck plate tends to collect the majority of fabric fibers and dust.

Some sewing machines have a throat plate that can be removed by simply sliding it off, while others include a screwdriver that may be used to unscrew the plate.

Collect all the dust in your sewing machine using a soft lint brush, paying special attention to the nooks and crannies. When cleaning your sewing machine, avoid using pressurized can air.

Blasting air into your sewing machine may cause dust and dirt to settle deeper into the machine. This makes it considerably more difficult to remove the filth and might cause serious harm to the machine.

The air blower may also include moisture, which can cause corrosion on internal machine parts.

If your sewing machine has a bobbin case, remove it and carefully clean it. Between the feed dogs and the needle bar regions, clean thoroughly.

You should also clean the machine’s exterior using a gentle cleanser. Before storing the machine, make sure it is fully dry.

2. Lubricate the machine

After you’ve cleaned the lower section of the machine, it’s time to oil it. The sewing machine is lubricated with a carefully designed lubricant to guarantee that the machine parts function smoothly and that frictional effects such as wear and tear on the moving parts are avoided.

To add the lubricating oil to the sewing machine, first, move the handwheel back and forth to locate the areas of friction.

Apply oil to these components once they’ve been confirmed. Use the sewing oil that comes in a little jar with the machine to lubricate these components.

Turn the hand wheel back and forth several times after applying the sewing oil to the machine to work the oil into the machine.

When maintaining your sewing machine, however, you should avoid using too much oil. Using too much oil may collect a lot of lint and grime rather than aiding the machine’s smooth operation.

Excessive oil usage causes oil to build up inside machine components, providing a breeding ground for filth and hairballs.

Use a piece of cloth, like a muslin, to absorb any excess oil existing on the body of your machine to avoid excessive accumulation of sewing oil in your machine.

Install the throat plate and clean out the entire machine with a dust cloth once the excess oil has been removed.

Reconnect the machine and practice sewing a few test seams on scrap cloth. This will assist you in determining if the machine has been properly lubricated before storage.

3. Put a cover over the machine

Before storing the sewing machine, it is critical to protect it. If your machine comes with a cover case, use it to carefully cover it before storing it.

A cloth cover can suffice if you don’t have a case for your sewing machine. Alternatively, you may cover the machine with an old towel. Even better, if you don’t have a cover, you could make one before storing it.

Dirt and dust are kept at bay by covering the sewing machine. While the sewing machine is in storage, this reduces the possibility of dust damaging the moving parts.

Dust can enter the inner workings of your sewing machine. Even if you plan to store your machine in the closet, keep it covered. It’s critical to establish this habit, especially if you don’t use your machine frequently.

4. Keep the machine at a comfortable temperature

You should also keep your sewing machine in a place with a comfortable temperature. When you store your machine at high temperatures, it becomes more prone to rust.

5. Replace your needle

Change the needle once you’ve finished cleaning the sewing machine. When you clean the machine before putting it away, make it a practice to replace the needle.

It is critical to change the needle on a frequent basis rather than waiting for it to break before doing so. This ensures that the machine runs as efficiently as possible.

You can work in the ideal conditions if you replace the needle on a regular basis.

Old needles are more prone to flex and collide with the bobbin case, causing a mess on your project. After you’ve replaced the needle, turn on the machine and give it a test run.

For the test run, use a scrap piece of cloth, especially if you’ve just lubricated the machine.

This allows you to observe how effectively the needle works and reduces the chance of oil from the machine’s teeth getting on your cloth during your next job. Once you’ve determined that the machine is in good working order, you can store it.

6. To make sewing easier, switch threads

Before you begin sewing, it’s critical to inspect the thread. It’s critical to use threads with the same weight for both the bobbin and the top thread when threading your sewing machine.

This is to avoid changes in stitch tension, which are commonly induced by using various weights.

The first step is to fill a bobbin with yarn. It is recommended that you utilize the bobbins provided by your manufacturer.

Your bobbin should be wound uniformly and cleanly. On your next project, winding your bobbin evenly will help you avoid the stitching issues that come with improperly wound bobbins.

Insert your bobbin into the machine once it’s finished winding and bring the bobbin thread to the top. Refer to your instruction manual to make sure the bobbin is placed correctly.

Correctly inserting the bobbin will help you prevent sewing issues in the future.

The top thread needs to be changed next. You should avoid removing the thread from your sewing machine to do this. Instead, you should first lift your pressure foot to release your machine’s tension discs.

After that, cut the thread at the top of your sewing machine and drag it down through the machine until it is entirely removed from the machine.

If you pull the thread at the top of the machine hard enough, any fuzz or lint will be pulled up through the tension discs. This is bad for your sewing machine in the long term.

Over time, the fuzz and lint in your machine may cause difficulties with the tension. Pulling the thread downwards through the machine follows the thread’s natural course and has no effect on the machine’s tension.

7. Store in a cool, dry location

It’s also critical to keep your sewing machine in a dry location. There should be no moisture in the room where the machine is kept. You must avoid allowing moisture into your machine at all costs.

The majority of sewing machines are made of metal. Even those with a non-metallic appearance have metallic moving components on the inside. Moisture should not be allowed to enter these areas.

The rusting effect that damages the metallic elements of your sewing machine is caused by moisture. Rust may severely ruin your sewing machine. If you reside in a humid region, your machine should be kept in a room with a dehumidifier.


If you plan to store your sewing machine for an extended period of time, you should choose the finest location with the greatest circumstances.

There shouldn’t be any moisture in the space, and there shouldn’t be too much dust. Most sewing machines are made of metal and have a lot of metal moving components. When sewing machines are exposed to moisture, they are prone to rust.

It is important to locate a fixed sewing machine location within the home. If you decide to store your sewing machine in a place like an attic or basement, you need to take extra precautions to protect the machine.

This is due to the fact that these spaces are generally dirtier and dustier than your average living area. If this is the case, wrapping your sewing machine in plastic outside the fabric cover is recommended.